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September 5, 2013

Almere - the environment: Using sheep instead of grass mowers

Sheep instead of lawn mowers?
Starting today a herd of some 300 sheep will take over from the gas guzzling and noisy grass mowers in Almere Harbor ( Almere Haven) to keep all public "green" areas trimmed and proper during a three year trial period.

The local city council says they believe this is an environmentally friendly way to keep public grass areas not only trimmed, but also to protect certain plant species, which sheep don't eat, from extinction.

The Council also expressed the hope that the grazing sheep will create additional interest among the local inhabitants as to the ecology and wildlife surrounding them.


September 4, 2013

Almere Harbor Festival - 3 day fun for the whole family and free parking

This weekend the Almere Harbor Festival in Almere Haven, Province of Flevoland, kicks off with free activities for the whole family, including an open air classical concert of the Gelderland Province Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Gijs Leenaars on Saturday, September 7, 8.30 pm. 

A special performance by the Almere Youth Symphony Orchestra on Friday, September 6, 8.00 pm, conducted by Hans Welle, with guest  performances by Almere's Elise Doorn, Elise de Koning and Iris Lommerse. 

The 3 day festival will also include boat rides on the century old classic Dutch fishing boats known as "botters", food and beer tasting events, circus Corrosia, and a two day antique market. 

Parking during the 3 day festival at Almere Haven is free.

Festival Program  

Friday  Deptember 6

11.30-16.00  Botterrace
Havenkom Proeverij
16.00-22.00  Bierproeverij
19.45-21.30  Jeugdorkest AJSO  

Saturday 7 september
Circus Corrosia12.00-16.00  Botterfestival
13.00-23.00  Havenkom Proeverij
Yakult Havenkom Concert

Sunday 8 september
11.00-17.00  Kunstmarkt 
12.00-17.00  Circus Corrosia  11.00-18.00  Brocante en Antiekmarkt
Havenkom Proeverij


September 3, 2013

Dutch PM Rutte Says Netherlands in Difficult Times, Unemployment to Rise - by Fred Pals

The Netherlands is going through extraordinarily difficult economic times and unemployment will continue to rise for some time, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said.
Dutch PM Mark Rutte

“Radical changes will come to the Netherlands,” Rutte said in a lecture in Amsterdam yesterday. “We stand for fundamental choices, and we need to make the right ones.”

The government will unveil a plan to save 6 billion euros ($7.9 billion) in parliament on Sept. 17. That’s on top of a four-year, 16 billion-euro austerity package approved in November when Rutte took office.

The Dutch economy, in its third recession since the financial crisis started in 2008, shrank 0.2 percent in the second quarter.

Rutte’s government, which comprises his Liberal Party and the Labor Party, stands at an all-time low in the polls.

The coalition would only retain 32 of the 150 seats in parliament if elections were held now, a drop of 47 seats, according to a survey published by polling agency on Aug. 25. The Labor Party would have 12 seats, while Rutte’s Liberal Party would get 20 seats, according to the poll.

Read more: Rutte Says Netherlands in Difficult Times, Unemployment to Rise - Bloomberg

September 2, 2013

Almere WTCAA Business Services launched on September 3

Patricia van Giessen Business Club and events manager
From Tuesday September 3 WTCAA Almere offer the members of their International Business Club a comprehensive package of business services.

The WTClublounge is open every day from 9: 30 am-5 pm for IBC members. Members can also use this space as a flexible workplace or as a place to have an informal meeting with clients. Coffee and tea is available, as well as daily newspapers and magazines. Guests and members can also make use of the free Wi-Fi and the attached network printer. (Usage based on fair use.)

The WTConference room can also be reserved by IBC members, free of charge, for up to 16 hours per year. This meeting room has all the presentation equipment available for your professional presentations..

WTC members can also book their travel reservation  via the WTC website  If you lost "your log-in codes" contact the Secretariat of  the WTC. (see their website).

In case you are traveling for business or pleasure the WTC can take care of a variety of your chores while you are away.

The WTC Almere also has some rental units available on the second floor. These units (80-100 m2 per unit) are slightly bigger than the current units. If you have any interest in  renting one of these units, or anything, else please contact.


Almere : some EURO 86 million appropriated money for job creating projects still on the shelf

It has been reported that in Flevoland millions of euros in 2006  investment funds, which were earmarked  for stimulating the economy there are still held back in the Province administration capital of Lelystad.

Consequently many projects did not get off the ground. This is the conclusion of a Court of Auditors report on the investment program Flevoland-Almere (IFA).

The IFA, which has a term of ten to fifteen years to administer Government funds, specially aimed at the 'unique urban climate of Almere' designed to develop and market the economic position of Almere in the North Wing of the Randstad. 

The idea was also to encourage entrepreneurs and residents to come up with appealing ideas for Almere. For example social, cultural and economic focused  projects.

The Suburban Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors also examined individually and later  in cooperation with the municipality of Almere the recommendations of  previous evaluations, which for example included tighter control mechanisms.

But despite all this, the earmarked money is still  on the shelf "somewhere". Originally the Province of Flevoland and Almere agreed  that EUR 100 million would be made available in three tranches.  This has now shrunk to around EURO 89 million.

Once these funds are released it will require to have hands-on projects available which can be put into immediate action. Unfortunately these projects are still on the drawing board and don't seem to have been thought through in any detail yet.

Almere=Digest .

August 30, 2013

Netherlands to wait for a UN decision over Syria

The Members of the Netherlands Foreign Affairs Commission of the House of Representatives discussed Syria Thursday and they took a dim view of a possible military intervention in Syria without getting the support of UN.

Netherlands will wait for a UN decision over the matter, said Foreign Minister Franciscus Timmermans.

Members of the commission also voiced thatthe Dutch Patriot missiles in Turkey can not be used for attack purposes stating they were sent to Turkey for defense purposes.

Last night the British parliament voted against British troops getting involved in Syria and in fact handed Mr. Cameron, who was in favor of the intervention, a resounding defeat.


August 29, 2013

The Netherlands - Built to thrill: 12 crazy man-made adventures including Worlds Best Safari in Flevoland

Especially now that summer is coming to an end, there's nothing quite like catching the wind in your hair, reaching out for the next rock hold high above the valley floor, or whizzing down some woodsy trail on your finely tuned mountain bike… well, almost nothing.

USA Today has listed 12 of the greatest man-made adventures on the planet, including awe-inspiring (and safe) wildlife encounters, outdoor thrills brought indoors and amazing "natural" features that were deftly built with human hands.

From a transplanted marshland safari in the heart of the Netherlands, to a cool indoor ski center under the steaming Dubai sun, all the way to a barnacled sunken warship teeming with marine life.

Here is the best safari—Oostvaardersplassen, Netherlands: This 22-square-mile nature preserve is an artificial marshland reclaimed from the sea by clever Dutch engineers. A series of dikes protects the area, and grazing species such as red deer, ponies and graylag geese stem overgrowth, keeping the space open for endangered bird species. Safari seats are limited, however, as only 400 excursions—including photo safaris, cycling trips and ranger-led animal-spotting walks—are organized annually, so as not to disturb the fragile ecosystem. The assembled bird population includes egrets, cormorants and herons, as well as ravens and white-tailed eagles—creatures that otherwise wouldn't breed locally.

Read more: Built to thrill: 12 crazy man-made adventures