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November 10, 2017

The Netherlands: How to bring Government and the Public closer together to reach common achievable goals - by RM

The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, which apart from looking into all issues that have an interface with the environment, roads and waterways, also looks at innovative ideas, to provide solutions this ministry's diverse agenda requires.

The ministry argues that "if you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got." They say this is a valuable insight they use on a daily basis, because it makes things predictable and computable.

They call that experience.

But sometimes, they argue that experience also gets in their way. Especially if we ask for boundary solutions. As Einstein said: "We can not solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them". 

If it really is different, if a breakthrough is reallyrequired, we ask people from all around the Netherlands to think "out-of-the-box".

Out of the box? And how do you do that, you might ask? Are people willing to say goodbye to their comfortable standards, values and thinking patterns? And are they able to cut new paths in their own brain with a surgical knife, so to speak ?
LEF Session in Action

LEF helps to realize this concept. "Only when people really break their existing thinking patterns and frameworks,there is room for real innovation, for a real breakthrough they say. 

LEF Future Center is the organization within the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment-specializing in the creation of breakthroughs and new patterns.

As to the practical side of how this LEF concept works, this came at the invitation of Erdal Sahin,, who invited me to attend one of these LEF sessions, at what the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment calls the FUTURE CENTER, housed in the impressive modern Ministry building in Utrecht.

The theme of this particular group discussion I attended, focused on "How to bring the Government and the Public closer together in reaching common achievable goals, eventually benefiting the community at-large".

Dialog works in achieving common goals
The groups were divided in a variety of "psychological categories", which by itself is already quite an innovative approach, to get people thinking about similar issues, from different angles, based on their own interest and inner composure, but with the same ultimate goals in mind.

At the conclusion of this very interesting gathering of people, from a variety of disciplines, one could say that the overall opinion seemed to be that change will and can happen, mainly as a result of grass-roots movements, which start at the Public level, moving via the Municipal level, to eventually reach the Government level to make change happen.

It must also noted that over the years the so-called "trickle-down" philosophy, whereby both the dialog and the economy are being directed to flow from the Government and/or the Corporate sector downwards, thereby benefiting the Public sector, has shown to be counter- productive and in many cases a total failure

With LEF obviously organizing many of these events throughout the year, one would hope the data of these dialogs are circulated and available, not only among government ministries, but also at municipalities, and educational institutions .    

Compliments to the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, LEF and the organizers for putting this most stimulating event together.

November 9, 2017

Climate Action Summit: Snubbing Trump, California joins EU in joint climate push

Despite the decision of US President Donald Trump to pull out of the Paris climate accord, California is extending its joint efforts with the European Union to implement carbon markets and zero-carbon transportation policies.

European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete and Governor of California Jerry Brown met on November 7 in Brussels and agreed to step up cooperation on emissions trading and zero-carbon transportation.

“The EU and California are natural partners in the fight against climate change and have been pioneers in the early years of carbon markets and clean mobility,” Cañete said following his meeting with Brown on November 7.” Today we agreed to strengthen our cooperation so that we remain leaders in these areas – both of which will be key for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement,” the Commissioner added.

For his part Governor Brown reminded that the world is truly facing a challenge unprecedented in human history. “If we come together and we see the truth of our situation, we can overcome it. We’ve fought great battles before and I hope that the European Union and California will be able to inspire the rest of the world,” Brown added.

On carbon markets, the EU and California will hold regular political and technical dialogues on the design and implementation of their carbon markets, including cooperation with other carbon markets such as China. Hosted by China’s Special Representative on Climate Change Affairs, Cañete and Brown will open a high-level event on carbon markets and the role of carbon pricing in China on November 14 at COP 23 in Bonn, the Commission said.

The EU and California will also work together to scale zero-carbon transportation solutions globally, including by bringing new commitments and new partners to the Global Climate Action Summit which California will host on September 12-14, 2018.

The Global Climate Action Summit will bring together leaders from all around the world and in every walk of life – from government to business, from science to faith, and from students to investors to non-profit leaders – who believe that climate change is an existential threat and are committed to rolling back the forces of carbonisation. The Summit will emphasise how subnational actors have already contributed to emissions reductions, spur bold new commitments, and galvanise a global movement for everyone to do more.

The EU is the largest carbon market in the world, with its emissions trading system a key part of the EU’s policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while California also has a well-established carbon market, that is linked with markets in Quebec and Ontario.

Read more: Snubbing Trump, California joins EU in joint climate push

November 7, 2017

The Netherlands: Dutch tax inspector allows U.S. multinational to evade $169 mil. in taxes - by Janene Pieters

Dutch Tax Services
A Dutch tax inspector gave United States multinational Proctor & Gamble permission to move 676 million dollars to the Cayman Islands untaxed, Trouw reported on Tuesday based on its own investigation into the so-called Paradise Papers. As a result, the Dutch treasury missed out on 169 million dollars, or over 145 million euros, in taxes, according to the newspaper.

The Paradise Papers is the collective name for 13.4 million documents and emails about tax havens. The data was leaked to German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, who shared it with global media through international journalist collective ICIJ.

According to Trouw, this decision, or so-called ruling, was made by a local inspector at the Rotterdam office of the Tax Authority in 2008. The inspector seems to have made the decision by himself, without consulting anyone else. According to the Tax Authority's rules, rulings involving such high amounts must first be submitted to a special team of ruling specialists. The Tax Authority acknowledged to Trouw that this ruling did not comply to the Authority's own rules. The spokesperson could not explain why or how this happened, and did not know whether local inspectors violated the rules in other arrangements with multinationals.

Trouw has the document showing the arrangement with Proctor & Gamble (P&G) in its possession. The American multinational is one of the largest suppliers of household and healthcare products in the world. In the Netherlands the company is known for brands like Oral-B, Always, Pampers and Gilette.

Over the past few years, such Tax Authority rulings were frequently subject to criticism, especially after the revelations of the and so-called with multinationals like . The Tax Authority doesn't reveal the content of such agreements, which means that the Tweede Kamer - the lower house of Dutch parliament - can't check the agreements. Despite the criticism, several State Secretaries did not scrap the rulings, as they make it more attractive for foreign companies to settle in the Netherlands, according to

These rulings must, however, comply to strict conditions. Former State Secretary Eric Wiebes of Finance sent a standard format of such rulings to the Tweede Kamer earlier this year as an example. It showed that rulings are subject to requirements like a description of the company's global structure, a signature of a second inspector and a list of conditions the company must comply with to keep the agreement from being annulled.

Trouw showed the agreement with P&G to Jan van de Streek, professor of Tax Law at Utrecht University. According to him, it looks nothing like the example ruling Wiebes sent to the Tweede Kamer. This agreement consists only of a two-page letter written on PricewaterhouseCoopers stationary, which refers only to a telephone conversation with the Rotterdam inspector. There is no sign of the other required data, the list of conditions or the signature of a second inspector.

Note EU-Digest: An interesting point is that in last weeks Parliamentary debate, whereby PM Rutte outlined the plans of the new Government the coming years,  he passionately defended to continue the Dutch Government policy of welcoming US multi-Nationals to the Netherlands with open arms - because as he said "it creates jobs". 

The truth of the matter is that even though there are several multi-national companies located in the Netherlands, most of the Multi-Nationals come to the Netherlands, mainly because the Netherlands is known as a Tax Haven for Multi National Companies 

As to the job creation in the Netherlands by US multi-Nationals referred to by PM Rutte, obviously some jobs are created, but in reality most jobs are the result of local small business activities and trade related business developments within the EU.

Read more: Paradise Papers: Dutch tax inspector allows U.S. multinational to evade $169 mil. in taxes | NL Times

Spain: 200 separatist Catalan mayors to visit Brussels tomorrow - by Ryan Heath

Two-hundred Catalonian mayors are scheduled to pay a single day visit to Brussels on Tuesday to explain the crisis from their perspective, Catalonian media reported after the release of ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont. The decision was reportedly made on Friday, when a Spanish judge issued a European Arrest Warrant for Puigdemont and four of his ministers.

The group is part of hundreds of mayors who want an independent Catalonia, and some were also present in Catalan parliament when voting for independence was held. According to Catalunya Radio, more mayors wanted to go to Brussels but there were not enough available flights.

Simultaneously, a delegation of anti-independence Catalan business leaders will also be visiting Brussels on the same day. They will hold a press conference together with some members of European Parliament.

Puigdemon and four of his associates turned themselves in to Belgian police early Sunday morning following Spain's issuing of an arrest warrant. A Brussels judge released all five late Sunday on condition they stay in Belgium and attend court sessions. Belgian authorities are meanwhile considering Spain's request to send him home.

Read more: 200 separatist Catalan mayors to visit Brussels tomorrow - Daily Sabah

November 6, 2017

Spain: Sacked Catalonia leader turns himself in, polls show independence strength

Sacked Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont and four associates turned themselves in to Belgian police on Sunday, following Spain’s issuing of an arrest warrant for rebellion and sedition.
All are wanted by Madrid for actions related to the push for the region’s secession from Spain. Puigdemont has become the public face of that move for independence.\

Other charges are the misuse of public funds, disobedience and breach of trust relating to the secessionist campaign, which has thrown Spain into a political crisis just as its economy has recovered from a sharp downturn and banking stress. 

Madrid has taken over administrative control in Catalonia, until then an autonomous region, and called new elections on Dec 21.

Two polls on Sunday suggested pro-Catalonia independence parties will together win December’s regional election although they may fall just short of a majority of seats in parliament needed to revive the secession campaign. 

Note EU-Digest: The Catalan political leaders are playing a dangerous game by showing total disrespect  for the Spanish Constitution. Their tactics are irregular, and regardless of what they say, the Spanish Government has shown  great tolerance in dealing with the issue.

Read more: Sacked Catalonia leader turns himself in, polls show independence strength

November 5, 2017

Malta-Mafia State?: as Malta buries journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia EU tells Malta leave "no stone unturned" in finding culprits

Investigative Blogger:Daphne Caruana Galizi, cowardly assassinated
Deutsche Welle reported that the  EU Commission has told Malta its investigation into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia should leave "no stone unturned" as the funeral of the journalist took place. Politicians she probed stayed away. tells Malta

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral on Friday of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Malta's best-known blogger and journalist and a fierce critic of government and opposition figures. The Mediterranean island observed a national day of mourning as the ceremony took place in Mosta, a town close to the rural home where her car was blown apart.

European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans said Europe's "eyes" were on authorities in Malta where democracy was at stake after the "atrocious" car-bomb murder on October 16.

EU headquarters flew flags at half-mast in honor of Caruana Galizia and "all those who have given their lives for the freedom of speech." On Malta itself a day of national mourning had been declared.

In her last blogpost, published the day she died, Daphne Caruana Galizia signed off with a sentence that seems particularly chilling now.

“There are crooks everywhere you look. The situation is desperate.”

She believed, in essence, that malign and criminal interests had captured Malta and turned it into an island mafia state; she reported on a political system rife with corruption, businesses seemingly used to launder money or pay bribes, and a criminal justice system that seemed incapable, or unwilling, to take on the controlling minds behind it all.

EU headquarters flew flags at half-mast in honor of Caruana Galizia and "all those who have given their lives for the freedom of speech..
Note EU-Digest: May she rest in peace and may those who planned her assassination and those who placed the explosive device under her car be found and brought to justice.


November 4, 2017

The Netherlands: Microsoft Signs New PPA for Wind Farm Electricity in the Netherlands - by Alyssa Danigelis

Microsoft signed a PPA with the Swedish state-owned energy company Vattenfall to purchase all the electricity produced from a new 180-megawatt wind farm being built in the Netherlands, according to an announcement this week. The farm will be located in the Wieringermeer polder, near Amsterdam, next to Microsoft’s data center operations.

The 10-year deal, one of the largest wind PPAs in the Netherlands, is Vattenfall’s first with a data center outside Nordic countries. Nuon, part of Vattenfall, will be responsible for constructing and operating the wind farm. Eventually the company plans to expand the project to include 100 windmills, according to Microsoft. “That will allow the production of approximately 1.3 billion kilowatt hours of renewable electricity,” the announcement says.

The tech giant’s data center operations in the Netherlands are a regional hub for Microsoft Cloud service customers in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and beyond. Vattenfall and Microsoft already had a partnership prior to the PPA — the energy company uses Microsoft’s cloud-based tools for its business operations including the enterprise platform Azure for analytics.

Lately Microsoft has been on a roll with renewable energy. Last month the company signed a deal for 100% of the energy produced by GE’s new 37-megawatt wind farm in Ireland. Recently Microsoft opened a pilot for a data center in Seattle that uses integrated fuel cells and natural gas rather than power from the electrical grid. The company’s Cloud Infrastructure and Operations team hopes the fuel cells can one day work with renewable biogas instead.

The Wieringermeer site currently has 93 turbines that are set to be replaced with more powerful machines, Wind Power Monthly reported. “Combined with an adjacent extension the project’s additional capacity of 115 MW, Wieringermeer will have 100 turbines in total with a total capacity of 295 MW when completed,” reporter Craig Richard wrote. “Vattenfall will own 82 of these turbines, the nearby Energy Research Center of the Netherlands will own 17, and the remaining turbine will be reserved for local residents, the developer said.”

Construction on Vattenfall’s new wind farm is planned to start next year. The partners expect additional generation capacity to become available in 2020. Once the project is completed, it will likely be one of the largest wind farms in the Netherlands.
Read more: Microsoft Signs New PPA for Wind Farm Electricity in the Netherlands - Energy Manager Today