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November 1, 2019

Netherlands to pump €460 million into education; Teachers cancel planned strike | NL Times

The Dutch cabinet announced on Friday it had reached an agreement with teachers unions and employers to boost government spending in education by roughly 460 million euros, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in an interview on broadcaster NOS. The deal puts an end to a planned November 6 strike by primary and secondary school teachers and special education instructors teachers.

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USA: Impeachment rules process approved in House as another U.S. official testifies

The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives approved the rules for its impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, which sets the stage for outlining the process for public hearings and possibly drafting articles of impeachment.

The 232-196 roll call vote overwhelmingly along party lines was the chamber's first formal vote on a process that's likely to take months, possibly stretching into the early weeks of the 2020 election year.

Two Democrats voted against party lines, while one Independent voted in favour.

Underscoring the gravity of the vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi presided over the chamber as it voted on the rules package.

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October 30, 2019

October 29, 2019

Inovation: The Netherlands Ranks Among Top 5 countries in The Global Innovation Index

The Global Innovation Index 2019 (GII 2019), collated by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), has ranked the Netherlands amongst the global leaders in innovation. The report mentions that even in economic slower times, innovation still thrives. “In developed and developing economies alike, formal innovation—as measured by research and development (R&D) and patents—and less formal modes of innovation are thriving.” According to the GII 2019, Switzerland, Sweden, United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom complete the top five of most innovative nations in the world.

Top scores in innovation output en knowledge absorption:  The Netherlands scores particularly well on sub-rankings on innovation output (2) and knowledge absorption (2). The country remains in top position for IP payments and scores consistently strong on regulatory quality, online participat\
ion, intensity of local competition, collaboration between universities and industries, cluster development and inflows of foreign direct investment. The report specially mentions that it sees great improvements in government expenditures on R&D financed by business, and an increase in women that are employed having advanced degrees.

Online creativity and knowledge diffusion push Dutch innovative outputs:  The report mentions specifically that innovation outputs are high, because the Netherlands is strong on Knowledge diffusion (2nd) and Online Creativity (2nd), in particular in indicators such as IP receipts, FDI net outflows, ICTs and business model creation, and ICTs and organizational model creation. The GII 2019 also sees improvements in the quality of scientific publications (8th) and in cultural and creative services exports (10th).

Read more: The Netherlands Ranks Among Top 5 countries in The Global Innovation Index

October 28, 2019

October 27, 2019

EU-US Relations: EU envoy sheds light on weird US diplomacy - by Andrew Rettman

Remarks to Congress by the US ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, have shed light on the unusual nature of American foreign policy under president Donald Trump.

Sondland testified in Washington DC on Thursday (17 October) as part of an impeachment enquiry into whether Trump blackmailed Ukraine on interfering in the upcoming US Presidential election.

Read more at: EU envoy sheds light on weird US diplomacy