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June 15, 2020

Netherlands: Islamist group planned to attack Gay Pride event

A Dutch Islamist group planned toattack the Gay Pride in Amsterdam in 2018, according to the hearing on Friday of witnesses at the trial of six suspects arrested two years agoand tried in Rotterdam.

According to the testimony of a witness, an undercover police officer said that thehead of the network, identified only by the name of Hardi N., hadplanned to attack the event which attracts tens of thousands of peopleevery year.

Read more at:
i24NEWS - Netherlands: Islamist group planned to attack Gay Pride event

June 14, 2020

Travel: between EU and US: Americans Unlikely To Be Welcome To Europe In July, Here’s Why - by Tamara Thiessen

Europe is set to lift its border restrictions on international travelers in July. But only starting with countries with low infection levels, which rules out Americans and those arriving from the U.S.

In other words tourism and holidaying will begin in Europe from July 1, but not for everybody. The criteria for the lifting of the Europe travel ban will probably bar tourists from Brazil, Russia, Argentina and Iran too, as other holidaymakers return. Europe will also remain off limits to travelers from other high-risk countries where Covid-19 infection rates remain high.

Note, “The EU travel restriction is based on residence, not nationality,” says a spokesperson for the European Commission in Brussels. “Similarly, decisions on lifting travel restrictions would also concern non-EU nationals residing in a specific country"

Read more at: 
Travel: Americans Unlikely To Be Welcome To Europe In July, Here’s Why

June 13, 2020

The Netherlands: Another floating solar park goes online in the Netherlands – pv magazine International

Dutch water supplier Evides Waterbedrijf has completed the construction of a 1.62 floating solar power plant at a reservoir in Kralingen, near Rotterdam. 

The plant is expected to cover around 15% of the electricity demand of the company’sadjacent facility, with estimated annual power generation of1.7 million kWh.

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Another floating solar park goes online in the Netherlands – pv magazine International

June 12, 2020

USA: Hundreds of Thousands Sign Petitions Urging the U.S. Government to Declare KKK a Terrorist Group

Hundreds and thousand people are declaring that the Ku Klux Klan be listed as a terrorist organization, with several online petitions rapidly gaining support.

A number of petitions have gone viral this week demanding the white supremacist hate group be classified as terrorists, prompting them to be included among the top trends on Twitter.

One such petition calling for the KKK to be declared a terrorist organization reached 100,000 signatures before it closed.

The white supremacist hate group are currently only listed as a domestic extremists, who are prosecuted differently to terrorists.

Read more at: 
Hundreds of Thousands Sign Petitions Urging the U.S. Government to Declare KKK a Terrorist Group:

June 11, 2020

International Travel - President Trump: Europeans Can Soon Travel to US

Europeans from countries with low rates of Coronavirus infections maysoon be eligible to travel to the United States, President Donald Trump hinted at a press conference.

While presenting the fifth proclamation barring entry into the US for foreign
nationals who were physically present in Brazil within 14 dayspreceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States, Trumptold journalists that entry to the country would soon be possible for some travellers from Europe.

Read more at:
President Trump: Europeans Can Soon Travel to US -

June 10, 2020

USA - a thoroughly corrupt political process: Billionaires got $565 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic

American billionaires are now nearly 20% richer — by $565 billion,to be exact — than they were at the start of the coronavirus pandemic,according to a new report by the Institute for Policy Studies

Six billionaires, including Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Tesla's Elon Musk, and Zoom's Eric Yuan, have seen their net worths grow by more than $2billion each since March, according to the think tank's analysis of Forbes' Billionaires List.

The coronavirus crisis has been an economic disaster for the rest of America, as an end unprecedented 42.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the past 11 weeks.

Note EU-Digest: This is another major problem facing America, and has resulted in the overwhelming influence Corporate America has on the political environment of the US and beyound. What's been happening with White House and Congressional politics could only be described as a thoroughly corrupt process, with the blessings of a Supreme Court dominated by justices hand-picked to protect the same process.

Read more at:
Billionaires got $565 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic - Business Insider

The Netherlands: Amsterdam's Red-Light District to Remain Closed

The red-light district is one of the main tourist attractions in Amsterdam. While coronavirus lockdown restrictions are starting to ease, sex work is not allowed to resume until September.

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