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April 16, 2021

Netherlands joins Ireland in Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine suspension over blood clot concerns

The Netherlands has joined Ireland in suspending use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine as a precautionary measure following further reports of blood clots in people who have received it, this time from Norway.

Announcing the move late on Sunday, the Dutch health ministry said there was no proof yet of a direct link between the vaccine and reports of possible side-effects from Norway and Denmark and it had not recorded any cases in the Netherlands.

Read mre at: Netherlands joins Ireland in vaccine suspension over blood clot concerns | Coronavirus | The Guardian

April 15, 2021

EU Coronavirus - Vaccine: EU puts faith in Pfizer jab with plan for 1.8 billion doses - "Too little, too late"??

The EU has announced plans to buy 1.8 billion doses of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine through 2023. The bloc is also bringing forward shorter-term Pfizer deliveries after suspending orders for the Johnson & Johnson.

On Wednesday, European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen said the EU planned to order 1.8 billion doses of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine by 2023.

Von der Leyen said Brussels had full confidence in the technology behind the Pfizer vaccine. The manufacturing process used for the Pfizer product — dependent on mRNA — is different then the one behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, which uses a cold virus to transport a segment of the coronavirus to the recipients' cells.

Read more at: EU puts faith in Pfizer jab with plan for 1.8 billion doses | Europe| News and current affairs from around the continent | DW | 14.04.2021

April 14, 2021

The Netherlands: Dutch lockdown measures remain until at least April 28, ANP says

The Dutch government on Sunday dashed hopes of an early easing of lockdown, saying a night-time curfew and other restrictions would remain until at least April 28 as daily infections rose to a two-week high.

Read more at: Dutch lockdown measures remain until at least April 28, ANP says | Reuters

April 13, 2021

EU's Michel 'hasn't slept well' since chair gaffe in Turkey

Meeting between Turkey and EU, was a poorly planned EU disaster and is causing Michel many sleepless nights.

Read more at: EU's Michel 'hasn't slept well' since chair gaffe in Turkey | Euronews

April 12, 2021

The Netherlands: ‘Urban Chess’ initiative continues to expand in the Netherlands

Jesús Medina Molina initiated a national program in the Netherlands which promotes the placement of public chess tables in open spaces. Medina has succeeded in getting his initiative approved in 21 Dutch cities so far, with the first three public tables inaugurated in Máxima Park in Utrecht back in 2018.

Not only has Medina worked in IT and tourism, but he also holds a Bachelor’s degree in education. Fluent in Dutch, Spanish, English and Italian, he learned to play chess when his daughter was struggling in school — he thought that chess might help her to strengthen her calculation skills.

Read more at: ‘Urban Chess’ initiative continues to expand in the Netherlands | ChessBase

April 11, 2021

Coronavirus- de wereld wil bedrogen worden - maar dit komt niet van God - blijf positief - RM

Je hoort dezer dagen heel veel negatief nieuws, dat vooral is ontstaam door het fenomeen Coronavirus een virus die de wereld nu meer dan een jaar in haar greep heeft weten te houden

Maar let op. Wees niet te veel bezig met alles wat negatief is en afbreekt. Doe niet mee met mensen die altijd maar mopperen en zuchten, dat doet ons geestelijk niet goed en het is zeker niet de wil van God. Richt uw aandacht liever op Jezus (Hebr.12:2), die alle macht heeft en iedere situatie in ons leven in Zijn hand heeft.

Dat geeft vertrouwen en stabiliteit in het leven. Het is beslist niet van God om altijd en overal, van tevoren,beren en leeuwen op je weg te zien.

Wij mensen moeten ons,ook niet te veel aantrekken van radicale organisaties die ons bang proberen te maken door allerlei komplot theorieën van radicale aard te verspreiden. O.A, de internationale, uit Amerika overgewaaide QAnon.

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Deze Latijnse spreuk die toegeschreven wordt aan Petronius, luidt vertaald: ’De wereld wil bedrogen worden, dus wordt zij bedrogen’.

Als het over positief denken gaat is er voor mij niets positiever dan het voorbeeld dat we krijgen van Jezus aan het Kruis, vastgenageld en in verschrikkelijke pijn, die naar de hemel kijkt en zegt: "Vader vergeef hun, want ze weten niet wat zij doen".

Inderdaad de mensheid weet meestal niet wat ze doen!

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April 10, 2021

Netherlands, Poland and Italy Antitrust & Competition

After conducting a detailed market study among manufacturers, competitors, and buyers of tires, ACM established that enough alternatives will remain in the market for tires for retailers. ACM expects that enough competitive pressure will continue to be exerted, and that the new combination will not raise prices or reduce the quality of services. ACM also assessed what the consequences would be for the market for replacement wheels. ACM has established that, in that market too, enough competition will remain. On March 10, 2021, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) cleared the acquisition of PGB by Global Automotive. Global Automotive and PBG are mainly active in the distribution of replacement tires and replacement wheels for cars and vans.

Read more at: Netherlands, Poland and Italy Antitrust & Competition News April 2021