September 7, 2013

The Netherlands - cardiologists’ Olympics: Riding bicycle regularly keeps heart diseases away says Dr Garg from India

If you are worried about the daily consumption of petrol in the wake of price hike, you must start bicycling. By riding a bicycle, you can control the cardiac diseases and can also reduce the transportation expenses.

These views were expressed by city’s renowned cardiologist Dr Vijay Garg after he returned from Amsterdam, Netherlands recently. Dr Garg attended the conference of cardiologists’ Olympics, held between October 31 and September 4. More than 28,000 cardiologists from 82 countries attended the conference and pondered over topics of medical sciences.

Dr Garg further detailed that the government of the Netherlands supports citizens who exercise by constructing separate roads for cyclists. 

It is a matter of concern that ratio of people suffering from cardiac diseases is increasing frequently in developing countries in comparison to developed ones. If a man does exercise regularly, he can reduce 40 percent the possibility of having heart diseases.

People, who have A+ blood group, are at a higher risk to fall sick with heart diseases.

People living luxurious life have more chances of suffering from cardiac arrest. Dr Garg has been felicitated with the honor of European Society of Cardiology Fellow three years back. India has only 2500 fellows of European Society of Cardiology at present

Read more: The Freepress Journal