September 24, 2013

World Trade Center: Almere:: "the Netherlands lives because of Europe" - symposium October 16

 "The Netherlands lives because of Europe" - another great symposium at the Almere World Trade Center.

Don't believe one word the Eurosceptics are saying about the Netherlands and many other EU member states - that these countries would be better of  by pulling out of the EU and go at alone.

These Eurosceptics actually don't know what they are talking about and if they do talk its all populist blabbering.

In the Netherlands the working population earns approximately 600 billion euro's per year based on money which is somehow accumulated because of the EU. The Netherlands exports around 500 billion euro's internationally, of which 400 billion in goods and 100 billion in services.

Of this total three quarters of Dutch exports and services go to EU member states.

Consequently a healthy economic EU also means a prosperous Holland.

The afternoon symposium wil; consequently addressInternationalizing your own company or organization. At the end of the symposium there will be a networking reception.

For additional info including reservation for the symposium click on the link below.

Re:ad more: REMINDER "Nederland leeft van Europa" een symposium voor actieve ondernemers op 16 oktober 2013