November 13, 2013

An Eurosceptic Alliance? - Le Pen, Wilders eye eurosceptic alliance for EU elections - will the voter be fooled?

Le Pen and Wilders the Eurosceptic Alliance
Eurosceptics Geert Wilders of the Netherlands and Marine Le Pen of France are discussing closer cooperation in a bid to capitalize on voter frustration with mainstream politics before the 2014 European parliament elections.

Ms Le Pen arrived in the Netherlands on November 13 for further talks with Mr.Wilders . 

But will it work to band Eurosceptic parties from around Europe, including the Netherlands, Britain, France,  Germany, Sweden, Austria and Denmark together?

"Eurosceptism has reached its peak", said a French Euro Parliamentarian." Even though the European voter might initially have been attracted to these Populist political parties, the voters are also not completely stupid.

They have seen during the economic crises and the recent NSA spying drama that only a united Europe can withstand and react as one against the onslaught of negative economic and political forces from outside the EU.".

"What could the Netherlands, which is totally dependent on trading with other EU nations, achieve by going solo", says D66 Party chief  and parliamentarian Alexander Pechtold, "I have asked Mr. Wilders this question many times  but he never comes up with any concrete answers."

Le Pen has sought to rid her party of overt neo-Nazis and racists and has distanced herself from the anti-Semitic remarks of her father. But a string of embarrassing scandals over racism among party members could still make her an unappealing partner for Wilders in the eyes of his Jewish backers and local supporters.

Wilders, who is anti-Islam, has been funded by The Middle East Forum, a pro-Israeli think tank based in Philadelphia, USA: the group also funded Wilders' legal defense in 2010 and 2011 against Dutch charges of inciting racial hatred.
