November 1, 2013

Leaving the EU will mean economic disaster for UK or for that matter any other EU member copy-cats - by RM

Whatever your views are about the EU, the first thing that happens when your local political establishment decides through a referendum or other manipulation to get out of the Union, is economic disaster.

In the case of Britain getting out of the EU big companies and financial conglomerates will decamp from London to Frankfurt or Paris. The pound will immediately  fall.. Many of the British exporters have no idea what's going to happen to them, and the banks will not be keen to stick out their neck in their favor.

In general if Britain leaves the EU it would become an economic storm so big it could overshadow anything else the British public would have ever experienced.

In connection with the above, just imagine how any member country which steps out of the EU could handle the NSA spying revelations on European countries and their leaders if they had to do this just by themselves? 

Unfortunately in the case of Britain and the NSA the question which obviously arises and which has not been addressed by the EU Parliament or the Commission is how Britain, a member of the EU, has (is) participating and supporting the NSA spy program on Europeans, without the EU Commission/Parliament or the EU member states having any knowledge of it?

With friends like this who needs any enemies?