November 5, 2013

The Netherlands: New mobile phone alarm system tested today

If you are living in the Netherlands and have a cell phone you have probably heard your phone suddenly give a loud alarm signal. Don't worry.

This was the third test signal by the new Dutch national mobile phone alarm system called NL-Alert.

The system, which works on cell broadcast and is not affected if telephone systems go down, sends messages about catastrophic events, saying where they are and what to do.

This Monday's message once again stated that it was a test message.

"With the test signal people could check-out  if their telephone was properly set to receive the message", said the ministry of Justice.
Currently, about half of the mobile phones in the Netherlands are able to receive the emergency messages. From the test results it seems iPhones in particular were still having trouble to receive the signal from NL-Alert, while Android phones seemed to do better. In case you need to get additional information on how to set your phone go to the website
