December 2, 2013

The Netherlands: Does the Netherlands risk losing foreign investment to Britain' if letter box companies are closed down?

The Netherlands may lose its advantage when it comes to attracting foreign investment because other countries such as Britain are making their tax regimes more attractive, says the Financieele Dagblad in one of their reports recently.

The paper bases its claim on interviews with lobby groups and tax advisers.

For example, Amcham, the American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, has warned deputy finance minister Frans Weekers that American firms are regularly opting for London rather than the Netherlands, the paper says.

Both new firms and existing companies such as holdings are turning to Britain.

Amcham points out that while three-quarters of the US capital which comes into the Netherlands moves out again via letterbox companies, the money which remains is more than French, German and Belgian investments combined.

Note EU-Digest: In their report Het Financiele Dagblad seems to be lobbying  for Tax Evading companies and their advisers. They fail to report that Dutch laws are completely different from British laws when it concerns tax evasion and Letter-Box companies. Letter-Box companies which are closed down can only go to Britain or any other country in the EU unless they comply with local  tax laws. Let's hope the EU Commission does not fall asleep on this issue and ends the opportunities created for multi-nationals to evade taxes through legal loopholes in the EU.

Read more: - 'The Netherlands risks losing foreign investment to Britain'