April 11, 2014

Britain: Exit EU, Scrapping Regulations and Business Ethics to benefit Britain, says winner prize for "best UK exit plan" from EU

Corporate control, no rules and regulations,  no business ethics, manipulation of food through bio-engineering,  wile Government and people are left to the mercy of  powerful lobby groups. This is what Britain would look like, say some International Economists, if they would follow Ian Mansfield plan for quitting the EU.

But Britain's free market Institute of Economic Affairs thought differently applauded this plan recently by awarding a 100,000-euro prize to Iain Mansfield, a British diplomat based in the Philippines, who it decided had come up with the best blueprint for a 'Brexit,' a British departure from the EU.

Reuters reports that amid widespread public disenchantment in Britain about the EU's perceived over-bearing role in everyday life Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to give Britons a referendum on leaving the EU in 2017 if he is re-elected next year.

Many British opinion polls suggest a slim majority would vote to leave the 28-nation bloc and that the anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP) is on course to come first or second in elections to the European Parliament next month.

Mansfield said Britain could join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to avoid bureaucratic burdens on business linked to Britain's membership of the EU, saying it could position itself as somewhere between Switzerland and Turkey, neither of which are EU member states.

What Mr Mansfield, Eurosceptics and PM Cameron don't seem to understand is that" you can't have your cake and eat it too ! "
