May 20, 2014

Chemical Cartel: Six multinational companies dominate the agricultural input market

Six multinational companies dominate the agricultural input market, and they’re in cahoots.

When a handful of corporations own the world’s seed, pesticide and biotech industries, they control the fate of food and farming. Between them, Monsanto, Dow, BASF, Bayer, Syngenta and DuPont control the global seed, pesticide and agricultural biotechnology markets. This kind of historically unprecedented power over world agriculture enables them to:
  • control the agricultural research agenda;
  • dictate trade agreements & agricultural policies;
  • position their technologies as the “science-based” solution to increase crop yields, feed the hungry and save the planet;
  • escape democratic & regulatory controls;
  • subvert competitive markets;
…and in the process, intimidate, impoverish and disempower farmers, undermine food security and make historic profits - even in the midst of a global food crisis.

According to the UN, corporate concentration of the agricultural input market “has far-reaching implications for global food security, as the privatization and patenting of agricultural innovation (gene traits, transformation technologies and seed germplasm) has been supplanting traditional agricultural understandings of seed, farmers' rights, and breeders' rights.”

Read more: Chemical Cartel | Pesticide Action Network