September 4, 2014

ISIS "Terrorists and killers will be followed to the gates of hell and punished"

President Obama made his strongest statements yet against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Wednesday, promising that the U.S. will “degrade and destroy” the extremist group after they beheaded a second American journalist.
“Our objective is clear and that is to degrade and destroy ISIL so it’s no longer a threat—not just to Iraq but also to the region and to the United States,” Obama said, referring to ISIS by their alternate name.

On Tuesday, ISIS released a video of the beheading of Steven Sotloff, 31, a freelance journalist who worked for Time and Foreign Policy and was seized in Syria last August. His killer appears to be the same masked jihadist who killed James Foley exactly two weeks prior. The video’s authenticity was confirmed by President Obama and American officials early Wednesday.

Note EU-Digest: ISIS better remember what happened to Bin Laden..They will be followed to the gates of hell and will be brought to Justice !

Read more:President Obama: We will ‘degrade and destroy’ ISIS | MSNBC