September 17, 2014

US blows off Netherlands in ISIS fight - by Maxime Zech

The United State has deemed The Netherlands unfit to address the threat of the Islamic State (IS) in a powerful enough manner. Because of the country’s hesitation to contribute heavy weaponry, The Netherlands
will not be part of the so-called coalition of the willing, in which  nine allies are joining forces in the fight against IS, the Dutch daily Volkskrant reports. 

At the NATO summit in Wales last week, American Foreign Affairs Minister John Kerry called on nine allies to join the coalition of the willing and contribute to the armed struggle. 

According to a source, The Netherlands was very surprised not to be on the list. The coalition is now made up out of The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany,  Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Poland, Canada and Australia.

Note Almere Digest: The list who is in or out among the nations participating in the fight against ISIS keeps changing daily. Recently Turkey stated they would not participate with troops.  

Read more: US blows off Netherlands in ISIS fight - NL Times