October 27, 2014

Brazil: Dilma Rousseff re-elected Brazilian president with small majority

A combination photo shows Brazilian presidential candidates Dilma Rousseff (L) and Aecio Neves gesturing to photographers after voting in Porto Alegre (L) and Belo Horizonte on 26 October 2014.
Dilma Rousseff beats Aecio Neves
Left-leaning President Dilma Rousseff has been re-elected president of Brazil, after securing 51.45% of votes in a closely-fought election.

An official count showed her rival, centrist candidate Aecio Neves, taking 48.55% of the vote.

Both candidates made economic growth and lifting Brazilians out of poverty central to their election campaigns.

A poll taken in Europe prior to the election showed that Brazilians living in Europe favored Aecio Neves over Dilma Roussef by a margin of 2%.
