December 12, 2014

Germany: Ifo think tank optimistic about German growth

Germany's Ifo economic institute has said the German economy will pick up steam next year and beyond. In its 2015 outlook, the think tank argued growth would be based on increased domestic consumption.

Germany's gross domestic product will expand by 1.5 percent next year, the Munich-based Ifo institute said Thursday as it presented ts 2015 outlook, revising an earlier estimate of just 1.2 percent growth.

The think tank appeared more optimistic than most of the country's other leading economic institutes, which predicted the German economy would grow by no more than 1.3 percent next year.

Ifo, for its part, argued the stronger pickup would ride on a wave of consumer confidence that had fueled domestic consumption.

Read more: Ifo think tank optimistic about German growth | Business | DW.DE | 11.12.2014