January 2, 2015

Genetically Modified Foods could kill you but the culprits have "friends" in high places

There appears to be no question about the fact that the modified crops are designed to “handle” large doses of herbicide.

 Therefore it would only follow the GMO farmers are spraying their crops with more poison to fight off bugs, and the residue of these poisons can follow the food to the market and to your table.

 It’s possible we are all being slowly poisoned by crops that absorb sprayed poisons and may be eaten raw as a vegetable or even survive some cooking methods. One person, a laymen who has studied genetically modified foods a great deal says genetically modified corn causes colon and gastrointestinal problems because the corn sticks to the inside of the body.

One of the major concerns with genetically modified food is the eventual control of the food chain by a company such as Monsanto, who patents every seed modification they make. The implications of this are complex but sobering.

If Monsanto owns the rights to all seeds being planted, then no one can buy, use or plant any seeds without Monsanto’s express consent. The future failure of an entire seed chain could drastically reduce the availability of food and cause even more starvation in underdeveloped countries. There are even a group of conspiracy theorists who think a company like Monsanto could be used to severely limit food supply, resulting in the “culling” of millions of people worldwide.

I am not sure I buy in to this theory but with all that is going on in the world today, my mind is not closed to the “unbelievable” any more. It could even become illegal to use, plant, germinate, grow any seed that is not patented by a company such as Monsanto.

Their lawyer czars may have fashioned legislation that argues any seed not theirs could harm the seed or food chain, could contaminate it and therefore it should be illegal. Now, that may sound a little paranoid but you should pay attention to developments.

Washington and EU  lobbyists have huge capabilities. Regardless of whether modified food is harmful or could turn out to be harmful,  People have a right to know which foods are modified. Is that asking to much? We are supposed to be able to make free choices in this world, and the selection of which foods we eat is one of the most important.

Genetically modified foods are still to new for scientists to provide conclusive evidence of harm to humans. However, there are strong indications and factors that cause many scientists to believe some genetically modified food causes health problems in humans, including cancer.

Genetically modified food leaves a larger footprint in it’s aftermath, meaning the residue, the traces of it stay around in the body long after non-modified food is completely left the body. While genetically modified food must be labelled as such in Europe,

The US Food and Drug Administration in the United States not only does not require labeling, it does not require companies to even provide a list of their modified food, or to announce or send out notice there is a new modified food on the market. The Deputy Commissioner for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is Michael Taylor.

In the 1980’s Taylor was a lawyer for Monsanto and developed their food and drug defense against the government and any others who would question their practices.

For additional Information on GMO click here