January 11, 2015

Paris Terrorist Attack – Muslims need to find their own Martin Luther – by RM

Islam needs a Martin Luther
Several observations can be made following the latest Paris terrorist attack. a

a) There is a struggle going on for power in the Islamic community between three major radical groups, including: Al-Qaeda , ISIS, Boco Haram, and these terrorist attacks are now mainly “side shows” by these different factions to demonstrate the capabilities of their organizations around the world. In essence all these factions want to turn back the clock to feudal times where there was Sharia law, women had no rights what-so-ever, and corporal punishment, including beheadings, was the rule of the day

b) Muslims living in Western Communities at large, of which more than 80% have never read the Qur'an, are getting more and more frustrated being labeled Muslim and associated with terrorism, consequently they are leaving the Islam religion in droves.

More and more intellectual and Western educated Muslims are calling for a Muslim version of Martin Luther, whose 16th-century movement in Christianity, known as the Protestant Reformation rejected several teachings and practices of the Catholic Church, which were very similar to present day Muslim Sharia laws.

The Catholic doctrine at that time also called for nations to be Catholic theocracies.

Martin Luther in his writings denounced that the Pope was in fact the de-facto representative of God on earth and also noted that celabacy requirements for priests and nuns were unnatural and even married a nun, Katharina von Bora on June 13, 1525

His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication and condemnation as an an outlaw by the Roman Emperor who put a price on his life – dead or alive.

An interesting side-note about Martin Luther's life is that during the wars between the Ottoman Empire and (Habsburg) later the Austrian Empire Martin Luther was actively urging Emperor Charles V and the German people to fight a secular war against the Turks at the battle of Vienna in 1529. He made clear, however, that the spiritual war against an alien faith was separate, to be waged through prayer and repentance and not by bloodshed.

In 1542, Luther read a Latin translation of the Qur'an He went on to produce several critical pamphlets on Islam, which he called "Mohammedanism" or "the Turk". Though Luther saw the Muslim faith as a tool of the devil, he was indifferent to its practice: "Let the Turk believe and live as he will, just as one lets the papacy and other false Christians live." He also opposed banning the publication of the Qur'an, wanting it exposed to scrutiny instead.

Martin Luther died on 18 February 1546 (aged 62) of a stroke in Eisleben, Saxony, the present Germany.

The Catholics are still around, and so is the Pope, but they have lost most of the iron grip they once held over Governments and peoples lives back in the 16th century. thanks to revolutionary theologians like Martin Luther, and other Protestant Christians.

The Catholic Church. which during the past ten years has been losing members in large numbers recently elected a more “PR” oriented Pope at the helm of their Church.

And it must be said that since coming to power Pope Francis has been doing his best to project a more friendly and benevolent face of the Vatican.

Unfortunately, regardless of all the crowd pleasing statements made by Pope Francis, the Catholic church still remains a closed secret cult, with little transparency and continued global aspirations of power.

D) Concluding, however, one should be optimistic and note that despite the increased violence and unrest around the world - with “fanaticism, religious tensions, terrorism, extremism, corporate greed” - being the headlines of the day, something very positive is happening. One can only call this “united people spiritual power ”. Yes indeed a people's revolution is in the making.

People are not accepting everything and anything they are told at face value anymore, be it from Government, religious leaders, political leaders, pundits, the press. Instead, they are relying on one of our greatest human assets, the inner spiritual soul, which tells us what is right and wrong, and acting on this accordingly, without fear of reprisals.

We can see this movement slowly taking hold at demonstrations around the world. Specially following horrific events involving accidents, acts of terrorism. political and economic unrest and natural calamities.

People, no matter what their color, creed or faith, are coming together as one in expressing grief and best of all solidarity.

Yes indeed behind every cloud there is a silver lining and the best is still to come.