February 5, 2015

EU: Hollande and Merkel head to Kiev, Moscow with peace plan

French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are due in Kiev Thursday for talks on ending the country’s ongoing crisis before heading to Russia to present a draft peace plan on Friday.

“Together with Angela Merkel we have decided to take a new initiative,” Hollande told a news conference. “We will make a new proposal to solve the conflict which will be based on Ukraine’s territorial integrity.”

He said that he and Merkel had worked together over the last several days to draft a text they hoped would be acceptable to both sides of the conflict. He added that France was not in favour of Ukraine joining NATO.

“It will not be said that France and Germany together have not tried everything, undertaken everything to preserve the peace,” the French president said.

Read more: Europe - Hollande and Merkel head to Kiev, Moscow with peace plan - France 24