February 1, 2015

ISIS: Its time to take off the gloves and combat ISIS with more effective measures

Japan ordered heightened security precautions Sunday and said it would persist with its non-military support for fighting terrorism.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday he is "infuriated" by the purported beheading of journalist Kenji Goto by the ISIS and vowed to hold the terror group responsible.

The killing of Goto, a freelance reporter whose work focused on refugees, children and other victims of war, shocked Japan, which until now had not become directly embroiled in the fight against the militants.

But is all this going to stop ISIS doing more of their despicable deeds. Not likely.

What is required are more drastic measures.

First of all the Press should stop glorifying or even publicizing the deeds and actions of these barbaric deranged criminals. ISIS should certainly not be referred to in the Press as  "the Islamic State", because they are not a state, and they do not represent basic Islamic values in any way or form. 

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook must stop ISIS from accessing their sites. This is not  an issue about Freedom of Expression but rather about giving the liberty to a criminal organization to operate freely on the Internet.

Governments, Corporations, Including Media Empires, and Wealthy Citizens Should Start Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth is To Help Weed Out This Problem, Rather Than Just With Lip Service, Or In the Case of Governments, By Areal Bombardments. 

Instead,  Large Sums Of Money Should Be Offered To Local Citizens In ISIS Occupied Areas For  Capturing ISIS Leaders and Executioners Dead Or Alive.

It Should Be Made Profitable For Local Citizens In The Middle East To Chop Of An ISIS Head. 

Obviously, This Would Also Work Perfectly In Any Area Of The World Where Jihadists operate.
