March 7, 2015

EU-US Trade Pact Negotiations: Will US Chlorine Chicken and Genetically modified foods end up on European dinner tables?

Famous TV Chef Jamie Oliver
Famous TV Chef Jamie Oliver who is popular around the world has warned that a new trade deal presently being negotiated between the EU and America will open the door in Europe to inferior US food products, including beef pumped up with growth hormones, banned additives and pesticides.

There are also concerns that GM crops and food produced in the USA, which have not been through more strict vetting procedures in Europe, could be forced on to dinner plates of Europeans

The campaigner and chef held talks this week with British Business Secretary Vince Cable to outline his ‘massive concerns’ that the deal could seriously undermine European food and farming

"If Europe signs this TTIP deal we are signing our own death sentence, because it is hardly news that the United States faces epidemic health problems linked to poor diets and hormone infected food. Nearly two out of every five Americans today are obese as a result of the bad and polluted food they consume and Europe must not go down that same road", said a EU parliamentarian. 

When EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, who is negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" (TTIP) between the EU and US on behalf of the EU 28 member states  was asked if chlorine chicken and genetically modified foods would end up on the plates of European consumers if the agreement is signed, she said: "No, that's a myth. we have high standards of consumer protection in the EU that will not be compromised by a trade agreement. Genetically modified foods are not allowed in Europe, hormone-treated meat is also taboo here, and chlorine-treated chickens are prohibited.

Hopefully the EU Commission and Parliament will keep a watchful eye that the EU does not fall for the "sweet talk" of the Americans. Remember they are mainly carrying out the objectives of their multi-national corporate sponsors in these crucial EU-US negotiations.