April 16, 2015

ECB chief Mario Draghi unhurt after protest during speech - by Everton Gayle

European Central Ban (ECB) President Mario Draghi was unhurt after a press conference was disrupted when a woman jumped on to the podium.

The protester, dressed in black, shouted: “End the ECB dictatorship.”

Draghi was visibly shaken and held his hand up in defence before the women was removed by security officials.

A Feminist activist group called Femen later claimed responsibility on Twitter for the protest. The press conference resumed shortly afterwards.

Note EU-Digest:  fortunately for the woman  representing Femen that she did not decide to do this protest at a US Central bank meeting, where she would have certainly been shot by "trigger happy" security there.

Read more: ECB chief Mario Draghi unhurt after protest during speech | euronews, world ne