April 18, 2015

Say No To TTIP (US-EU): The world’s largest free trade zone is coming – what will it mean?

The US, on the other hand, is the largest commercial grower of GM crops in the world. It wants the EU’s regulatory process to be harmonized.
The EC says the trade deal will not see laws changing on GMOs: “Basic laws, like those relating to GMOs or which are there to protect human life and health, animal health and welfare, or environment and consumer interests will not be part of the negotiations.”

Friends of the Earth in Europe said: “US negotiators at the talks have been clear that one of their main aims is to increase market access for US agri-business and hormone and anti-biotic treated meat and poultry  products.

Note EU-Digest: This agreement known as TTIP would be a disaster for the EU similar to what NAFTA turned out to be for Mexico and Canada, and give US multi-nationals an even greater influence over our lives than they already have. The prosperity TTIP claims it will be creating is total nonsense. We can only hope the EU parliament does not fall for it.

Read More: The world’s largest free trade zone is coming – what will it mean? | euronews, world news