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May 30, 2015

The Netherlands - Almere: Free Concert by Holland's Hottest Gospel Choir "the Amsterdam FireChoir" in Almere tonight

Holland's most popular Gospel Choir, the Amsterdam FireChoir, which also performed with Barbara Streisand at the Amsterdam's Ziggo Dome will be giving a free concert in Almere tonight.

FireChoir is open to everyone! People of all cultures, nationalities, religious or non-religious persuasions. FireChoir is a professional and exciting musical adventure.

Tonight's event  - (May30 - 19.30) is at t'Klankbord, Pianoweg 117, Almere, Muziekwijk, located  next to the parking of the Muziekwijk train station.  A 4 minute walk  from the station.

The New Day International Church in Almere is the sponsor of this free event.
