May 4, 2015

The Netherlands:: Last MH17 Crash Remains Arrive in Netherlands - "poor performance Dutch Government"

A flight carrying the last remains of Dutch victims killed in last year's MH17 plane crash in rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine arrived in the Netherlands on Saturday.

The Dutch air force C-130 plane landed shortly before 4.00 pm (1400 GMT) at the Eindhoven air force base carrying seven coffins, live video on Dutch news website showed.

All 298 passengers and crew on board the Malaysia Airlines jetliner -- the majority of them Dutch -- died when the plane was shot down on July 17 last year.

Note EU-Digest: this is absolutely scandalous that it took some 10 months before all the remains of the victims were recovered,  as all the official authorities kept pointing fingers at everyone exept themselves. The main culprit, however, who should receive most of the blame for this poor performance, must be the Dutch Government, who were in charge of the recovery operation and unfortunately avoided taking any kind of firm action, including military action, at all cost . Instead they blamed Ukraine, the Russian Rebel forces, red tape etc. Bad job ! 

Read more: Last MH17 Crash Remains Arrive in Netherlands