July 6, 2015

USA: Wall Street banker pens sex and drugs tell-all book - by Sherryl Connelly

Blue-chip banker John LeFevre, after spilling Wall Street’s secrets 140 characters at a time, is back with a whole book about his cocaine-fueled days as a master of the universe.
“Straight to Hell” is shocking and sordid — and so much fun.

LeFevre was still working on Wall Street when he tweeted snippets of outrageous conversations supposedly overheard in the elevator at Goldman Sachs.

He’s given up the Twitter pseudonym @GS Elevator to spin the rest of his riveting tale in a tell-all that rivals “The Wolf of Wall Street” for dishing the insider dirt.

LeFevre bluntly sums up his approach: “No apologies, no f---s given.”

When LeFevre was transferred to Hong Kong in 2004, he soon discovered it was fantasy island for lions of Wall Street looking to shed their expensive suits and get nasty.

The hedge fund manager responsible for introducing him to powerful clients first handed him a phone number, advising LeFevre it was a priority: “It’s Joe’s cell number. You’re going to need it.”

“It’s not that bankers in New York or London are less deviant, they just can’t get away with what we can,” he writes of the no-holds barred events.

Read more: Wall Street banker pens sex and drugs tell-all book - NY Daily News