September 24, 2015

Dutch Health Insurance System too complicated and expensive say 58% of the Dutch

Most of the insured in the Netherlands are fed-up with the present health-care system. They find the system too complicated and too expensive.

 "It is like a jungle out there when you are trying to find out how the insurance system works and what is best for you and your family". "Lots of confusing choices make it very difficult to figure out”,said working mother.

Recently the marketing organization Pricewise reported that 58 percent of the people insured under the Dutch system today would rather prefer to go back to the old national health-care program if they had the choice.

The choices need to be made simpler, more limited, according to most of the people interviewed

Unfortunately, when the month of November rolls along again and insurance companies in the Netherlands mail out their annual multi-choice policies to customers, it will once again be as confusing as ever for  customers to figure out which company to choose from offering the best coverage for their family and budget.
