September 5, 2015

What's the greatest risk to Turkey's economy? - by Barın Kayaoğlu

Any one of the following problems would ring alarm bells  for an emerging market: a slowing economy,rising inflation,distrustful  citizens exchanging local currency deposits for dollars whenever possible, rising tide of violence scaring away foreign  tourists and hurting hard currency reserves and concerned foreign  investors eyeing the exit because of a bearish stock exchange and a possible hike in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve.

The Turkish currency, which had an average value of 1.90 to the dollar, is likely to decline further and surpass the three-lira threshold soon. “Never mind three, it could even be tr/dolar-3-lira to the dollar,”  wrote Mert Yildiz, a senior economist at the prestigious economic and  financial analysis firm Roubini Global Economics.

According to one  report, because the AKP has used dollar figures to boast of its role in  the “Turkish economic miracle,” the bleeding in the lira means Turkey could lose its place in the G-20, the group representing the world’s top 20 economies.

<a href="">Read more: What's the greatest risk to Turkey's economy? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East</a></div>

Read more: What's the greatest risk to Turkey's economy? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East