October 21, 2015

Netherlands and Luxembourgih: Starbucks, Fiat Decisions Seen in First Wave of EU Tax Cases - by Stephanie Bodoni Gaspard Sebag

Starbucks Corp. and a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV unit are set to be first in the firing line as European Union regulators issue a series of rulings over tax breaks for global companies, including Apple Inc.

The EU may issue decisions against Starbucks and Fiat as soon as next week following a two-year probe into how the companies may have gotten unfair tax treatment from Dutch and Luxembourgih authorities, people familiar with the cases said.

Speculation about the probes intensified.,this week as Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s competition chief, canceled a scheduled visit to China, citing pressing matters relating to her job.

Decisions on whether iPhone maker Apple and Amazon.com Inc. got sweetheart tax deals from Ireland and Luxembourg are expected at a later date, said the people who asked not to be identified because the decision isn’t public.

Read more: Starbucks, Fiat Decisions Seen in First Wave of EU Tax Cases - Bloomberg Business