October 27, 2015

Netherlands Banking Industry - Dutch Banks even charge a fee when you put cash into your own account.

Whether it be out of laziness, ignorance, or on purpose, people and worst of all governments and politicians are not reacting to the fact that banks are ripping the public  off with charge's— and seem to forget that the seemingly insignificant charges can add up over time.

If you're using one of the traditional "big banks" you'll likely get hit with two fees if you don't use your own bank's teller machine: one  charge from the ATM for the privilege of withdrawing cash, and one from your own bank for going to another bank. It is rediculous, but no one does anything about it.

In the Netherlands, even when you go to your own bank and deposit cash at your own bank's teller machine (ATM) or over the counter, you will get charged a hefty fee after doing that 6 times. This is basically legalized "highway robbery" sanctioned by the government. When you dare to complain, however, to anyone at the your bank they will usually say: "those are our bank rules" en of story.

This is a situation which has gone completely out of hand. When will local governments or the EU finally establish some effective banking regulations, which serves the public and not only enrich the banking             industry ?
