January 30, 2016

Netherlands to join US-led air strikes in Syria - "not a very clever move of the Mark Rutte Government", say some

The Netherlands has agreed to join US-led air strikes in Syria extending its current mission over Iraq, Dutch officials announced today, bowing to a request from the United States.

"In order to make the fight against ISIS in Iraq more efficient, it has been decided to carry out air strikes against ISIS in eastern Syria," the foreign and defence ministries said in a statement.

Late last year in the wake of the November Paris attacks, the Dutch government received a request from allies the US and France to broaden its campaign of air support against the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group -- also known by the acronym ISIS.

The Netherlands is already participating in the coalition by carrying out air strikes in Iraq with four F-16 aircraft specialising in close air support of ground operations by Iraqi forces.

But it had insisted in the past that it would not extend the air strikes over Syria without a UN mandate.

"We are going to deploy the F-16s above Syria, in particular to stop the pipeline leading from Syria into Iraq," Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told reporters

Note EU-Digest: Not a very clever move by the Dutch  Mark Rutte Government,  just when the peace talks are beginning and ISIS is looking around for another "soft target" in Europe. As one politician noted :"With just 4 F-16 jet fighters at our disposal, it is basically not a question of being tough or accommodating, but rather of being stupid". 

Read more: Netherlands to join US-led air strikes in Syria: official | Business Standard News