February 25, 2016

Netherlands: Solar powered bike unveiled in Eindhoven

The world's first solar 'Bike 4 all' was presented today in the Technical University of Eindhoven by the inventor Marc Peters and several of the project's collaborators, Tuesday. Dutch professional racing cyclist Tim Kerkhof assisted in the presentation of the bicycle.

Peters explained how, even on a rainy day in the Netherlands, the bike could still be powered without access to much sun,

"It actually harvests a lot of ambient light, like what we have in this room. So with a rainy day it'sactually still possible to gain some energy." The team behind the "Bike 4all" intends to market both the bike itself and also smart lighy harvesting technology they used to power it.

According to Peters, this technology can be applied to many other products.

Read more: VIDEOS: Netherlands: Solar powered bike unveiled in Eindhoven | The Indian Express