March 8, 2016

EU-Turkey Refugees Crises: Turkey wants additional 3 billion euros to deal with refugee crisis

Ankara has called on the EU to show greater "solidarity" with Turkey in order to tackle a wave of migration to the bloc. Under a new Turkish proposal, Brussels will evacuate all refugees on Greek islands, and pay for the costs.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz said on Monday that Ankara wants to add an additional 3 billion euros (3.29 billion) to the 3 billion Brussels has already pledged to stem the tide of refugees entering the EU from the Anatolian country.

Schultz said a "further request on the Turkish side for additional money - 3 billion euros - are in the debate, are in the discussion."

The additional 3 billion euros would be paid out through to 2018 to assist Ankara with sheltering Syrian refugees.

Turkey also asked for Brussels to speed up visa liberalization and improve conditions for EU accession talks in exchange for a Ankara's support in stemming irregular migration to the bloc.

A proposal being discussed at the summit would have Turkey repatriate one migrant for each Syrian refugee the EU takes in from its camps.

"For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from Greek islands, another Syrian will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states," said the proposal, which aims to also expedite Turkey's EU accession talks.

It also adds that the EU will "evacuate completely refugees from the Greek islands and readmit only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined," adding that Brussels will incur all costs related to resettlement, according to Reuters news agency.

More than one million migrants entered the EU in 2015, creating a political crisis in the 28-nation bloc with regards to managing the wave of migration.

Note EU-Digest : Hopefully the EU will not capitulate for this "highway robbery" by giving money to a goverent which does not  respect Democracy, freedom of the press, and is not really known to be reliable when it comes to delivering on its promises. 

Maybe the US, which is the major culprit in creating this Middle East mess during the Bush Presidencies, should get more involved in providing not only financial assistance but also by taking in some Syrian refugees.

Read more: Turkey wants additional 3 billion euros to deal with refugee crisis | News | DW.COM | 07.03.2016