March 18, 2016

Real Estate: Global Market Perspective

US Real Estate Market looking up 
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LL's Global Market Perspective has chronicled the journey of the world’s dominant real estate markets since the depths of the Great Recession in 2008, a journey that has been led throughout by strengthening investment markets as a huge weight of money targets real estate assets.

But, as we move into 2016, the dynamics have started to shift, with the occupational markets now registering greater momentum.

Market fundamentals are improving across all major global regions and property sectors, and recent leasing activity has surprised on the upside. Geopolitical and economic headwinds will weigh on business activity over the coming months, but for now, corporate occupiers remain in growth mode which, combined with tightening supply, will support rental value growth during 2016 in most major markets.​​

Improved consumer confidence and healthy retail sales are fuelling optimism in the U.S., Europe and selectively in Asia Pacific. Several

U.S. markets, primarily gateway cities, are now witnessing conditions typical of a peaking market as rents see assertive growth and vacancy continues to compress. Meanwhile, UK regional markets and Berlin
experienced the strongest rental growth over the year’s final quarter in Europe, while increases were also recorded in the recovery markets of Italy and Spain.

In Asia Pacific the demand picture remains varied, with the acceleration in retail spending in Australia contributing to  leasing demand, although rental growth has been limited in most regional markets over the quarter.

For the complete report click here:  Global Market Perspective | JLL