March 23, 2016

Unity and Integration: Let's hear it for the US - the EU still has a long way to go on this - by RM

Yes indeed -This time let's hear it for the US. 

To those of you who are sometimes critical of the US (including myself) it must also be noted there are still quite a few positive things happening there

This in spite of the steady progress made by Corporate America to get an ever stronger grip on the US political system and economic environment.

 Here is one of the developments that I believe is quite positive.

Even though not everyone might be impressed by the Presidential candidates running for office to replace President Obama, what is impressive, on the other hand, is that among the candidates running for the Presidency are, a woman, two Cuban Americans, a Socialist and a Fascist.

All hoping to replace a black President, with a Muslim father from Nigeria and a Christian mother from Kansas, USA

In a way, as Europeans, we can certainly learn from that, if we ever want to overcome our rampant religious, racial and cultural phobias, and achieve real unity.
