June 24, 2016

Britain votes in favor of Europe:Ukip leader Nigel Farage concedes DEFEAT within minutes of polls closing in historic EU referendum

Britain Remains InTthe EU

Nigel Farage conceded defeat within seconds of the polls closing in the crucial EU referendum tonight - admitting that he believed the Remain side had 'edged' the battle.

The Ukip leader made the extraordinary statement as voting came to an end at 10pm following a day in which storms and torrential rain disrupted much of the south. However, it is not thought to have deterred people from turning out to register their view at the ballot box.

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and pro-EU Labour MP Chuka Umunna also said they were 'confident' that their side had won.

The Pound soared on the news, spiking to a year high against the dollar.

A YouGov poll for Sky News published tonight put Remain on 52 per cent and Leave on 48 per cent.

Meanwhile, more than 80 Brexit-supporting MPs have sent a letter to David Cameron urging him to stay on in Downing Street whichever way the referendum goes.

Read more: Ukip leader Nigel Farage concedes DEFEAT within minutes of polls closing in historic EU referendum after a day hit by torrential rain | Daily Mail Onlin