June 29, 2016

The Netherlands: Istanbul Daesh attack: Flags at half mast as Dutch show solidarity with Turkey

City halls in Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam are flying the Turkish flag at half mast to show solidarity with the victims of Tuesday evening’s bloody airport attack in Istanbul.

At least 41 people were killed in the blasts and the shootings, including several foreigners. King Willem-Alexander and queen Maxima have sent their condolences to everyone affected by the airport attacks. In a joint statement, the couple expressed their deepest sympathy with all the families who have been affected, both inside and outside Turkey.

The Hague mayor Jozias van Aartsen has written to the Turkish ambassador to express his condolences. ‘I hope that the Turkish people can find the strength to recover from this extremely tragic situation,’ he said.

Read more:Turkish flags at half mast as the Dutch show solidarity with Istanbul victims - DutchNews.nl