June 8, 2016

The Netherlands: Political Coppy Cats: Introducing You to the Dutch Donald Trump

Geert Wilders - a Dutch version of Donald Trump
Trevor Noaha, a US Comedian with South African roots, recently took the Trump comparison game a step further when he introduced viewers to Geert Wilders, the Dutch Party for Freedom leader (and Trump endorser).

The Netherlands version of America’s presumptive Republican nominee for President has a lot more in common as you will note from the video clip below, with Trump,  than just having a fluffy, combed hairstyle..

Fortunately there are many comedians who are still able to make fun of these "political derelicts", like Donald Trump, Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage and several others.

Unfortunately they have also attracted many misguided followers, very much so as Hitler and Mussolini did in the past - and you hopefully know how that ended? 

In the meantime to make sure you don't take these so-called "nationalist politicians" too serious click on this: comical clip about Geert Wilders — if only to take comfort in the fact that the U.S. isn’t alone. 
