June 7, 2016

The Netherlands: Brits in the Netherlands consider 'going Dutch' to beat a Brexit -

A number of worried British nationals in the Netherlands who fear losing pensions and residency rights if Britain votes to leave the European Union have told DutchNews.nl they are considering taking Dutch nationality.

 ‘We do not have Dutch nationality but are considering doing so, since the outcome of the forthcoming EU referendum in Britain is up in the air,’ David Hall, who has lived in the Netherlands for 46 years, told DutchNews.nl. ‘Our status in the Netherlands could become an issue.’

On Tuesday 06/06/2016 prime minister Mark Rutte said in an interview with the BBC that the Netherlands, and other European countries, would have to bring in restrictions for British nationals if Britain brought in immigration controls for EU citizens. ‘It would be unavoidable, inevitable, for us,’ Rutte said. Embarrassed

Read more: Brits in the Netherlands consider 'going Dutch' to beat a Brexit - DutchNews.nl