July 6, 2016

As the Muslim community celebrates Eid al-Fitr - it's also almost 500 years since Martin Luther's Reformation

While the Muslim community celebrates Eid al-Fitr, also known as Eid ul-Fitr or Eid celebration that marks the end of Ramadan (a holy month of fasting observed by Muslims) - it is also almost 500 years ago since Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation revolutionized the former dogmatic, legalistic Christian thinking;

One of the greatest achievements of the Reformation movement was that it brought forward the need for "educated faith"

As Martin Luther would have said:"You can now ask questions. You can be critical about the church. You yourself can read the Bible and sharpen your own conscience". Maybe, as we wish our Muslim brothers and Sisters a Şeker Bayramı, we also pray for them that they will be blessed in finding their own Martin Luther.
