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July 19, 2016

The Netherlands: Geert Wilders says the Netherlands needs a leader like Donald Trump - Really ?

There will be a lot of people who There will be a lot of people who ‘whine, scream and yell’ if Donald Trump becomes president of the US but in the end it will ‘all be fine’, PVV leader Geert Wilders told BNR radio on Monday.

Wilders is in the US to attend the four-day Republican convention, at which Trump is expected to be named Republican candidate for the presidency.

Trump, Wilders said, is ‘someone who is good at getting himself heard’ and who focuses on ‘the interests of his own people’. ‘He will be a real American leader, who might not always be the best one from a European perspective, but one who defends gthe interests of his own people.

Note EU-Digest: Democracy only works in a country if the majority  people who vote are not ignorant and being able to separate the empty slogan populists from the true politicians. We can only hope this will be the case in the US in November and in the Netherlands next year. 
There will be a lot of people who ‘whine, scream and yell’ if Donald Trump becomes president of the US but in the end it will ‘all be fine’, PVV leader Geert Wilders told BNR radio on Monday. Wilders is in the US to attend the four-day Republican convention, at which Trump is expected to be named Republican candidate for the presidency. Trump, Wilders said, is ‘someone who is good at getting himself heard’ and who focuses on ‘the interests of his own people’.

Read more at Geert Wilders says the Netherlands needs a leader like Donald Trump

Read more: Geert Wilders says the Netherlands needs a leader like Donald Trump -