July 11, 2016

Cycling: Tour de France 2016, stage nine: Chris Froome retains yellow jersey as Dutchman Tom Dumoulin grabs brilliant win

It was not the greatest British sporting achievement of the day given events back in SW19, but it was another important step towards what would be a landmark moment to rival even a Wimbledon crown.

Chris Froome survived four seasons in one day on Sunday, battling through searing 35C heat in Spain, wind, rain, and later on, huge lumps of hail at the finish in Andorra, to keep hold of his yellow leader’s jersey at the Tour de France.

Dumoulin’s win, the first Tour stage win of the Dutchman’s career, was well deserved. The time trial specialist, who will be a key rival to Froome in that event in Rio next month, was part of the day’s main breakaway, and when that split up at the foot of the final climb, he attacked a small lead group, quickly opening up a 30-second lead. Rui Costa [Lampre-Merida] and Rafal Majka [Tinkoff] led the counter-attack but finished 38 seconds back.

 Read more: Tour de France 2016, stage nine: Chris Froome retains yellow jersey as Tom Dumoulin grabs brilliant win