October 6, 2016

The Netherlands: Almere, Tvesha Chauhan from India, becomes it's 200.000 inhabitant

Almere, the Netherlands newest and Europe's most modern city, celebrated the arrival of it's 200.000 new inhabitant, Tvesha Chauhan from India, who was registered this past Monday, November the third.

She was officially welcomed to the city by Franc Weerwin, the Mayor of Almere, who is a Dutch Citizen from Suriname descent.

Almere's first citizens arrived in the city only back in 1976, after the area was reclaimed from the Zuider-Sea and became part of a new Dutch Province, completely reclaimed from the sea on June 27, 1985 , "baptized" Flevoland, the 12th Dutch Province.

On January 1, 1986. Dutch Parliament passed an act whereby the Province of Flevoland was created, and the rest is history.

Almere, de jongste stad van Nederland, heeft nu 200.000 inwoners. De grens werd symbolisch gepasseerd door de tienjarige Tvesha Chauhan uit India, die met haar…