November 24, 2016

Geert Wilders brands Dutch hate speech trial 'a charade'

Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders has told a court that his trial for alleged hate speech is a "charade, a disgrace for the Netherlands, a mockery for our society".

In a televised statement on the last day of the trial, he said that if he was convicted "millions of Dutch citizens will be convicted with me".

The charges were brought after he led a chant for fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands at a rally 18 months ago.

He denies inciting racial hatred.

Mr Wilders has denounced the trial as an attempt to suppress freedom of speech. If convicted, he faces a fine and a year in prison. The verdict is due next month.

Read more:Geert Wilders brands Dutch hate speech trial 'a charade' - BBC News