November 21, 2016

Morocco: COP22: 16-Year-Old Moroccan Girl Delivers Fantastic Gripping Speech in Front of World Leaders - by Ghita Benslimane

As a “Representative of the Moroccan Youth,” Meryem Mawhoub was invited to deliver a speech at a COP22 event in Marrakech, which has been taking place from November 7 and ended on Saturday, November 18.

After a short introduction by COP22 President and Foreign Affairs Minister Salaheddine Mezouar, Meryem delivered the speech in flawless English in front of hundreds of COP22 attendees, including many heads of state as well as his majesty King Mohamed VI.

In her speech, Meryem said the following: “Like two billion young people my age, I aspire, after finishing my studies, to work in service of my country and of my fellow human beings […] For me, my generation, and future generations. A number amongst the multitude of available data outlines a huge challenge.”

“According to the Human Rights Committee on the Rights of the Child, composed by international and independent experts, air pollution has killed 600,000 children under the age of 5 since 2013. It’s up to you and to us to put a decisive end to such situations, and it is within our reach if the great wisdom which we showed last year in Paris is staying alive and if the watchfulness of the citizens of the world does not falter,” she continued.

Read more: COP22: 16-Year-Old Moroccan Girl Delivers Speech in Front of World Leaders