November 28, 2016

Netherlands: Rise of the right: 'Anarchist' media in the Netherlands

Over the past 10 years in the Netherlands, the far-right Freedom Party has moved from the political wilderness to where it is today: leading in the polls with an election coming up next year.

The party's leader, Geert Wilders, has long argued that the Dutch mainstream media cover populist movements with a tone of mockery and cynicism.

"You could say that the traditionally left, progressive media, until this point, have only engaged with far-right movements by opposing them, by discarding them, by saying people are bad or stupid for holding such beliefs. This has only been counterproductive, because by repressing this sentiment, you end up radicalising the debate. Yet, for 15 years, politicians and the media have failed to offer an alternative that goes beyond merely denying those sentiments you don't agree with," says Rob Wijnberg, editor, De Correspondent.

Feeling the mainstream media no longer catered to their views, a part of the Dutch audience started looking elsewhere for their media coverage.

Alternative right-wing outlets, such as GeenStijl and PowNed, who call themselves "anarchist", have grown more popular and have now found a platform on Dutch state-funded TV channels, where their anti-Islam and anti-immigration rhetoric can reach larger audiences.

Read more: Rise of the right: 'Anarchist' media in the Netherlands - Al Jazeera English