February 8, 2017

The Netherlands Trump Admirer and Muslim hater Geert Wilders tweets fake picture of political rival

Trump and Wilders:"we are
the modern Biblical version of Samson"
Dutch far-right and anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim MP Geert Wilders, known for his comments attacking Islam and Muslims, has triggered a fight over fake news, after posting a Twitter message showing a digitally altered picture of another party leader at a rally.

Some five weeks before key elections in The Netherlands, Wilders on Monday posted the fake picture of D66 leader Alexander Pechtold supposedly at a rally with Muslims holding up signs reading: "Islam will conquer Europe" and "Shariah for The Netherlands", referring to Islamic law.

Wilders' anti-Islam and anti-immigrant platform has helped propel his Freedom Party (PVV) to the top of the opinion polls in recent months in advance of the March 15 vote.

In his tweet, he accused Pechtold, who heads the pro-European, social-liberal D66 party of "demonstrating with Hamas terrorists".

Read more: Geert Wilders tweets fake picture of rival | Netherlands News | Al Jazeera