March 17, 2017

German US Relations: Merkel Calls Chinese President Ahead of Trump Visit – by Thomas Sigmund

It’s a sign perhaps of a shift in the weight of EU-German foreign policy. Shortly before departing for a trip to Washington, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke by telephone with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The two leaders reportedly sought to reach a common negotiation position on the Trump administration’s policies ahead of a summit of the Group of 20 nations, government sources in Berlin told Handelsblatt. The conversation can be seen as a sign that Germany and China hope to move closer together.

The two export-led nations have been deeply concerned by anti-free trade rhetoric stemming from the U.S. administration, a dispute which has already spilled over to preparatory talks for a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Baden Baden later this week.

Read more: Merkel Calls Chinese President Ahead of Trump Visit – Handelsblatt Global