May 30, 2017

EU-US Relations: Trump 'weakened' West, hurt EU interests says German FM

Germany unleashed a volley of criticism against US President Donald Trump, slamming his "short-sighted" policies that have "weakened the West" and hurt European interests.

The sharp words from Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Monday came after Trump concluded his first official tour abroad, which took him to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Brussels and then Italy for a G7 summit.

They followed Chancellor Angela Merkel's warning on Sunday that the United States and Britain may no longer be completely reliable partners.

Germany's exasperation was laid bare after the G7 summit that wrapped up on Saturday with the US refusing so far to sign up to upholding the 2015 Paris climate accord.

Note EU-Digest: With an unpredictable nationalist in the White House, it is better too late than never for the EU to focus on its own interests rather than those of the US, which are totally opposite to those of the EU. Specially in the area of Global Warming, Trade, and Middle East policies.Compliments to Germany for clearly pointing this out to the other members of the EU.    

Read more: Trump 'weakened' West, hurt EU interests: German FM | USA News | Al Jazeera